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Comedian on stage dressed as an old lady, taking her shirt off to reveal a white bra as an audience member takes a photo on his phone

Modern Art Underground 15th November

  • by Viki Jackson

Last night saw the launch of our new Modern Art night: Modern Art Underground. Our brand new scratch night in Waterloo. A super success as we were standing room only as we hit our legal limit of people in the room (yes, you could say we sold out!)

The night opened with Dru Cripps who created songs about the audience, Theo Fraser then went a little French, Cam Sinclair Harris introduced us to purring Venus before Rebecca-Maree told us how many Aussie stereotypes she isn’t. Closing the first half we had Rosie Yadid who gave us a saucy song and dance.

Opening the second half we had Dr Eric who refused to share the stage with an apple. Although after that set we’re not sure they are a real Dr…. Charlie Jackson played with us orchestrally (is that even a word?). Geri from Only Grans was up next - it’s good to see old people using apps too. Finally we had The Greene King Kieran Shah who took us for a pint or two.

A whirlwind of a night which was MC’d by Josh InVain and Viki Jackson. Special thanks to Vaulty Towers for having us.

Modern Art is a regular night in London. Follow Modern Art on Instagram to keep up to date and if you’d like to perform with us then head here and fill in the form.

  • Comedian on stage dressed in green medieval costume
  • Comedian on stage holding a microphone and singing into it with his hand in the air in a powerful pose
  • Comedian on stage dressed in scrubs pointing to the left side
  • Comedian on stage dressed as an old lady, taking her shirt off to reveal a white bra as an audience member takes a photo on his phone
  • Comedian on stage dressed as a cat
  • Comedian on stage pointing with a fluffy stick dressed as an old composer with a grey wig)
  • Comedian on stage holding a microphone in a sultry post
  • Comedian on speaking into a microphone with her hands out to the sides
  • Comedian on stage holding a microphone
  • Comedian on stage holding a microphone
  • Two MCs - Viki Jackson and Josh InVain on stage both pointing to an audience member


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