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Charlie Jackson is wearing a portrait picture frame as a costume. The portrait is of a man taking a bath at some point in history. Charlie's head and right arm are visible via cut out sections of the portrait.

Charlie Jackson

Clown, improviser and alternative comedian. Charlie Jackson is the Disco Wizard incarnate and brings magical props, costumes and weirdness to all their shows!

Charlie Jackson is an improv comedian and clown, teaching comedy with Playface and Hoopla as well as performing with multiple teams and individually. He’s been performing comedy since 2015 and has trained with various organisations and individuals from Phillippe Gaulier, Mick Barnfather, Hoopla, Free Association, Monkey Toast, Why Not Institute, The Maydays, Spontaneity Shop, Elf Lyons, Damien Warren-Smith, Viggo Venn, Zack Zucker and more. He has performed in hundreds of shows both in London and internationally. 

Charlie Jackson is the Disco Wizard incarnate and brings magical props, costumes and weirdness to all their shows!

Charlie does live shows and makes strange videos.

See Charlie in the following:

  • Live (check Instagram/ socials for small shows and open mics. Big shows will be listed below)

  • Kerfuffle (improv time directed by Charlie)

  • Modern Art (as tech/ host/ an invader or an act)

  • VAJ & CAJ (husband and wife improv duo)

  • Oh Baby (kids play with puppets, clowning and more fun!)

  • Charlie Jackson holding an exercise ball and wearing a knitted green hood. Otherwise he's dressed all in tight black. There's an orange background. He kinda looks like a goblin.
  • Temp - Charlie Clown Cropped
  • Comedy poster for the show Bath (WIP) by Charlie Jackson. Charlie is in a cartoon bath with bubbles and ducks.
  • Comedian Charlie Jackson stood on stage
  • Comedian on stage wearing a portrait
  • Comedian on stage pointing with a fluffy stick dressed as an old composer with a grey wig)
  • Charlie Jackson is wearing a portrait picture frame as a costume. The portrait is of a man taking a bath at some point in history. Charlie's head and right arm are visible via cut out sections of the portrait.
  • Charlie Jackson